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Deepwater Oil - Drillin’ on the Moon

Tom McAuliffe

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Book Description

With meticulous research, powerful storytelling, and a deep empathy, 'Deepwater Oil- Drillin on the Moon' offers a profound and moving semi-fictional account of one of the most devastating environmental disasters in history. It's a compelling read for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of technology, nature, and human responsibility in the face of crisis. We've come to understand that drilling for oil a mile under the Gulf is the equivalent to drilling on the Moon!

Book Review

"It explores the broader implications of the spill, examining the impact on public policy, environmental regulations, and corporate responsibility. The 'Deepwater Oil' is a compelling analysis of the “blame game” that ensues, as various parties scramble to assign fault. I couldn't put it down!"


History, General Non-Fiction

Reader Approved
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