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Descent of A Broken Man

Ashon Ruffins

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Book Description

James Corbin is an ambitious high school history teacher who suffers from severe depression and anxiety and is on a downward spiral, unwilling to seek the help he desperately needs. While his struggles threaten to cripple him, the research leads to the discovery of a nefarious essence, which unlocks a darkness and brings James face to face with a monster of his own. Within some people, there is something… off. Something dormant. A terror that, if found, will leave a path of pain in its wake.

Book Review

Descent of A Broken Man was a captivating thriller that shows the dangers of someone not getting the help they need. It's an allegory on the taboo subject of black men that suffer from depression and anxiety that are unwilling to get help for fear of looking weak. It was a gripping and fun read!


Black Voices, General Fiction, Mystery & Suspense

Reader Approved
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